I’m Too Young for Planned Giving!


Detailed explanations of two gift plans that appeal to younger donors who may feel that they cannot afford a major gift and that a “planned” gift means a bequest.


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Detailed explanations of two gift plans that appeal to younger donors who may feel that they cannot afford a major gift and that a “planned” gift means a bequest.

This copy is persuasive and logical, written to de-mystify these somewhat complex gifts as well as, convincing readers that they offer solid benefits that should be considered.  Numerical examples and tax rates are carefully minimized to keep your newsletter accurate and relevant.

How the copy is structured:

  • Introduction (We understand your priorities…)
  • Strategy #1: Grow a Retirement Fund Tax-Free With a FLIP Unitrust.
    • Explanation of how a flip unitrust works.
  • Strategy #2: Secure Future Income With a Deferred Gift Annuity.
    • Explanation of a deferred gift annuity.
  • Planning Points