Studies show video comprehension far exceeds that of text alone. Video is now the go-to source of content on the web. Get out of the 80s by incorporating these videos on your planned giving website.
Available in male and female voiceover. Developed by, these videos are embedded in our planned giving websites. Purchase.
Video is now the go-to source of content on the web. And this is why our planned giving websites and landing pages are becoming more video-based.
With video, comprehension and retention goes up: Studies show that when presented with information, most remember just 10 percent of what they heard or read after three days. Pair that content with video, that figure jumps to over 90 percent. Videos also brand you and helps Google to find you (SEO).
Our videos are affordable, branded with your name and logo, legally vetted, and presented in donor-centric language. Call your gift specialist at 800-490-7090 ( for more information.
Over 15 topics including blended gifts. Contact us for more information. (800-490-7090)
Over 60% of donors do not have a will. Of those who do and are philanthropic, some use an attorney to write their will, some do it on their own, and others use an online Will and Legacy platform such as LegacyPlanner™.
What would it cost you to produce these materials yourself?
One minute of video is worth 1.8 million words.
Dr. James McQuivey, Forrester Research Tweet
Planned giving marketing downloads and back-office tools.
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Yes! I am interested in partnering with you to close more and larger gifts. (Note: If you provide your US mailing address we’ll send you a complimentary Gift Comparison Chart.)