Giving Tomorrow Magazine

Free for clients and friends. Only $59.95 a year for those who have not become clients yet! 

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Are you a passionate, savvy professional? We need to hear from you.

We love stories that are humorous, sad, memorable, sarcastic, critical, controversial, technical — and that can relate to planned giving, major gifts, personal development and the world of philanthropy. You don’t need to have been published in the past (this a great way to get your name out there), but you do need to understand your subject matter.

Submission Guidelines

Please read these guidelines thoroughly and become familiar with a sample issue of Giving Tomorrow before submitting your idea for consideration. (Similar guidelines apply if you’re interested in becoming a webinar presenter.)

What Makes Giving Tomorrow Different?

Giving Tomorrow (formerly Planned Giving Tomorrow) is the first and only magazine that focuses on marketing major and planned gifts. Giving Tomorrow is for nonprofit professionals who are proactive and take responsibility for their own success. It is printed in an attractive, full-color, slightly larger than 8.5 x 11-inch format. A digital subscription is available as well.

Our readers understand that the philanthropy landscape is now always in a state of flux. The days of relying on golf tournaments and galas are numbered. “Siloed” giving is out; blended gifts are in. Giving Tomorrow readers know it’s no longer acceptable to just plan to pursue planned gifts in the future. The future is now, tomorrow is here. Those who are not marketing planned gifts are falling behind, fast.

What to Submit

We welcome poignant, opinionated, controversial, funny, passionate, practical, or technical articles with a twist. Just don’t be boring, please!

We accept submissions in the following categories and topics. However, if you have an idea outside of those on this list, please ask — it will definitely be considered.

  • Cover story: In-depth coverage of important, timely, and interesting topics – 800-1,000 words.
  • Letters to the Editor: always welcome.
  • How To: pieces on practical topics – 500 words or less.
  • Technical Toolbox: for the self-proclaimed “nerd” readers.
  • Q&A: Interviews and advice from industry experts who work outside the nonprofit sector — because nonprofits should be run like a business.
  • Profiles of fundraising movers and shakers.
  • Donor Perspective: A story by or about a donor on what it’s like to be on the receiving end of fundraising solicitations.
  • About You: Stories of your successes, failures, ups and downs … we’re looking for something special, moving, powerful, embarrassing, lessons to learn from … don’t be bashful.

We also take submissions for our Blog at


How to Submit Articles 

Email the editor a synopsis of your idea. Indicate whether your article is original or if it has been previously published elsewhere, such as in CASE Currents, Journal of Philanthropy, Planned Giving Today, etc. Also indicate whether your idea would be suited for Major Gifts Today.

After your idea has been approved, submit the following items:

  • Your completed article
  • A brief author bio (25 words or less)
  • A high-resolution headshot
  • A signed statement that your article is original and has not been plagiarized from other sources.

We reserve the right to edit your article as needed. Opinions are those of the writer, and not necessarily those of the editor, Giving Tomorrow, or

In special circumstances, we can interview you and ghostwrite the article on your behalf. Please inquire.


Published pieces of 500 words or more are eligible for 5 points for CFRE continuing education requirements.

Free one-year subscription for authors who contribute an original article that is selected for publication in Giving Tomorrow.