Should a Cardiologist Perform Orthopedic Surgery?

600 Words

For estate planning, wills and trusts preparation, etc., they need an attorney with that area of specialty.


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Too often we’ve heard donors say they have a swell attorney who can help them with their estate planning.  Too often this attorney’s expertise is in real estate, contracts, or putting business deals together.  The law is vast, and your donors don’t always understand that the law, just like medicine, is specialized.  For estate planning, wills and trusts preparation, etc., they need an attorney with that area of specialty.

We make this point by posing this question to your donors, should a cardiologist perform orthopedic surgery?  If the answer is no, then why use a real estate attorney to do your estate plan?  The article will answer that question, quite convincingly, we believe!

How this document is organized:

  • Introduction with Compelling Questions
  • The Law is Vast: Just like medicine…
  • The Laws Vary State by State: If you lived in Pennsylvania but now are retired in Florida…
  • New Tricks of the Trade: …new laws are enacted, others are amended…IRS issues PLRs…
  • Finding Mr. or Ms. Right