Back Office Operations

Back Office Operations is perfect for the serious shop that wants to start a new planned giving program, or for updating an existing planned giving program to raise planned gifts more efficiently and more effectively.



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Back Office Operations, which is Module II of Legacy Giving in a Box, features simple, manageable, step-by-step tools and know-how to create an effective and “formal” back office to support your planned giving program. We’ll show you how to determine if your mission is appropriate for long-term success; illustrate how endowments advance your mission; engage your board and senior leadership to ensure their investment in your planned giving program; develop planned giving best practices; and much more.


Everything you need to start and maintain planned giving operations, including instructions and tips to:

  • Evaluate Your Mission
  • Get Your Board on Board
  • Create Your Program’s Infrastructure
  • Count and Value Gifts
  • Create Gift Acceptance Policies
  • And much more!