Don’t Worry. You Don’t Need a Will. The Government Will Take Care of it For You.

400 Words

This piece uses an ironic approach to challenge the reader to think seriously about the loss and uncertainty that results when a person passes away without a will. It is a punchy alternative to our softer piece on bequests.

If the headline is too strong for you, soften it up with an alternative such as “What Happens When You Leave Without a Will.” But remember, the more vanilla your headline, the less likely it will get read.


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This piece uses an ironic approach to challenge the reader to think seriously about the loss and uncertainty that results when a person passes away without a will. For example: assets are distributed according to state law, the personal representative and children’s guardian are chosen by the court, and taxes are maximized.

The copy appeals to readers to avoid the unfortunate situations by writing a will, which will benefit themselves, their families and your organization. It closes with an offer to send information about making a bequest and a follow-up contact from you.