Easy Does It

500 Words

Every fundraiser dreads this response to a solicitation for charitable bequests: “Too late – I’ve already written a will.” This brochure is your counterattack.


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Every fundraiser dreads this response to a solicitation for charitable bequests: “Too late – I’ve already written a will.”

This brochure is your counterattack.  In clear and convincing language, it explains how prospects with wills can still include you in their estates – with a codicil.  Without getting stuck in legalese, we explain what a codicil is and how it works.  To keep things non-threatening, we lead off with examples of how a codicil can address changes in bequests to the prospect’s family.  Then comes strong, persuasive text about the benefits of estate-plan gifts to your organization, capped by the solution to the prospect’s problem: they can be part of your bequest campaign with an easy, inexpensive codicil.

This brochure should form an essential part of your bequest marketing toolkit.