Got Real Estate?

850 Words

For these donors, this brochure brings an important message: there are ways to use real estate to make a meaningful gift to your organization.


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It’s common knowledge that one of most important assets your donors hold is real estate.  We are talking about their personal residences, vacation homes, undeveloped land, rental, and commercial property.

And, it could be that their children don’t want that property, or that the donors have no one to whom they want to leave it.

For these donors, this brochure brings an important message: there are ways to use real estate to make a meaningful gift to your organization.  This piece explains key ways they can use real estate to fund a gift.

How the copy is structured:

  • Introduction (“Even if real estate has taken a beating, it could still make an excellent gift.”)
  • Give a share
  • Put the property to work for you (funding a charitable remainder trust)
  • Give away your home without moving out
  • Give property away