Give Your Retirement a Boost

600 Words

This brochure helps them understand how charitable giving and retirement planning can work together with a deferred charitable gift annuity.


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Here’s some information you’ll want to share with your younger Baby Boom and Generation X donors.  This brochure helps them understand how charitable giving and retirement planning can work together with a deferred charitable gift annuity: It’s a great way for them to support your organization and give their own retirement a boost.

Get this message out to those Boomer and GenX’er prospects – some of them will want to take advantage of this excellent gift opportunity.

How this document is organized:

  • Introduction: Many of you have probably started planning for your retirement.  Unfortunately, the current economic climate has dealt many retirement accounts a blow…
  • How a Deferred Gift Annuity Works
  • Factors That Impact Your Payments (four short, to-the-point callouts)
  • Benefits