The Dog That Trots About Finds the Bone

450 Words

This grabber headline (from a gypsy proverb) leads to a persuasive article featuring a to-do list for prospects uncertain about how to start planning their estates.


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This grabber headline (from a gypsy proverb) leads to a persuasive article featuring a to-do list for prospects uncertain about how to start planning their estates. Clear and compelling instructions are grouped under keep-it-simple subheads. The style is friendly and encouraging, and keeps the reader focused on getting that will completed.

Your prospects will welcome this practical, accessible and down-to-earth piece.

The copy can be modified to serve as newsletter content, a brochure, or an article/column. You can also adapt it as a leave-behind for prospect visits or a take-home from an estate planning seminar.

How the copy is structured:

  • Introduction
  • “You are not alone! Over 60% of Americans die without a will…creating a will can be easy if you just follow these steps…”
  • Things you own
  • Things you want to give away
  • People who can help you
  • You can even change your mind…no problem
  • If you would like to make a gift to [Your Nonprofit] through your will, we will be glad to help you with every step.