Make Two Gifts with Your Next Gift Annuity

500 Words

Have you told them that a gift annuity can be an ideal way to provide assistance to a loved one, like an aging parent, aunt, uncle, child, or close friend?


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Here’s a new angle for reaching donors who want to be generous to your organization and someone they love.  Have you told them that a gift annuity can be an ideal way to provide assistance to a loved one, like an aging parent, aunt, uncle, child, or close friend?

After reading this brochure your donors will see a whole new aspect of how a gift annuity can spread the benefits around.  They just might be motivated to establish one for someone other than themselves or their spouses – a gift annuity that still benefits your organization.

How this document is organized:

  • Introduction:  You can give a lifelong income to someone else.
  • A Birthday Present for Mom
  • Boost an Adult Child’s Retirement Plans

Must the Annuitant be a Family Member?