A “Plain Vanilla” Gift Annuity? Look Again!

900 Words

Two cutting-edge variants of the gift annuity are explained carefully but simply, with an emphasis on the benefits they can deliver to prospects facing both looming tuition obligations and uncertain retirements.


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Show your prospects that your gift plans are creative enough to keep pace with their sophisticated financial planning goals.  Two cutting-edge variants of the gift annuity are explained carefully but simply, with an emphasis on the benefits they can deliver to prospects facing both looming tuition obligations and uncertain retirements.

How the copy is structured:

  1. Introduction (Possible factors in your donors’ planning equations)
  2. Strategy #1: Start Drawing Payments When You’re Ready for Them With a Flexible Gift Annuity.
    • Explanation/Benefits
    • Planning Points
  3. Strategy #2: Secure Extra Funds for College With a Tuition Annuity.
    • Explanation/Benefits