Diversify for Retirement

500 Words

If your prospects are interested in diversifying their investment portfolio for retirement but are worried about complications arising from the selling of assets and exposure to capital gains tax, then this article is for you.


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If your prospects are interested in diversifying their investment portfolio for retirement but are worried about complications arising from the selling of assets and exposure to capital gains tax, then this article is for you. It explains something many prospects don’t realize: Portfolio diversification is one of the advantages of establishing a charitable gift annuity

If the donor uses appreciated, marketable securities to fund a charitable gift annuity, he or she won’t have to sell the asset. And there are capital gains tax advantages to this strategy, too. This article explains all of that and more!

How the copy is structured:

  • Introduction:

“It’s wise to diversify your portfolio”

  • You may not be aware that charitable giving and diversification can work together
  • Pay fewer taxes
  • A gift annuity helps you diversify your retirement