Charitable Planning for Entrepreneurs

1000 Words

If your constituency includes wealthy prospects who own small companies or run their family businesses, this comprehensive review of the benefits of giving closely held stock could help you start a planned gift conversation with them.


In stock

If your constituency includes wealthy prospects who own small companies or run their family businesses, this comprehensive review of the benefits of giving closely held stock could help you start a planned gift conversation with them. It’s a professional presentation that uses the language of investors and entrepreneurs – language these business men and women understand.

Suitable for a targeted mailing campaign, a handout at a seminar, or a secondary article in your newsletter.

How the copy is organized:

  • Introduction
  • Ways to Make Gifts with Closely Held Stock
    • Gifting the Shares Outright
    • Creating a Life-Income Gift (FLIP Unitrust)
  • Tax Considerations to Keep in Mind
    • Restrictions on Transfer
    • Arms-Length Requirement
    • Closely Held Stock Subject to Debt
    • Valuation
    • Our Due Diligence