Relax – It’s Revocable!

650 Words

For donors who just aren’t ready to permanently part with assets, this will explain some of the simplest and easiest gifts they can make and enable them to retain their peace of mind.


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Sometimes donors are loathing to part with assets irrevocably, but they still want to support your mission.  This brochure cuts to the chase on revocable gifts that donors can make today, that cost them nothing, and that can be changed if needed.  Donors are encouraged to make one of these revocable gifts and then relax!

For donors who just aren’t ready to permanently part with assets, this will explain some of the simplest and easiest gifts they can make and enable them to retain their peace of mind.

How the copy is organized:

  • Introduction (In our communications, we’ve mentioned various kinds of gift plans for you to consider.)
  • Explanation of the most popular revocable gifts:
  • Bequest
  • Beneficiary of life insurance
  • Beneficiary of a retirement plan
  • What it means to be revocable