Yes, You Can Give Us Real Estate! (Part 3 – And Receive Income in Return!)

1100 Words

Third of a series that breaks down real estate giving into understandable segments.


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Third of a series that breaks down real estate giving into understandable segments.

This copy explains the benefits of using real estate to fund a life-income gift, while acknowledging the complexities involved.  Unitrusts, especially “flip” trusts and deferred and flexible gift annuities, are highlighted.  The details are explained, but the benefits of the gifts are stressed.

Note:  Newsletter incorporates unavoidable minimum of financial assumptions that were current when it was written – specifically, a top Federal income tax rate of 35% and a long-term capital gains tax rate of 15%.

Copy will be edited in subsequent editions if changes in these rates occur.

How the copy is structured:

  • Introduction (Re-cap of previous 2 articles about real estate)
  • The Tools 1: Charitable Remainder Unitrust
    • Brief explanation of how it works
    • Three tax advantages
  • The “flip” unitrust alternative
    • Brief explanation
    • Benefits
  • The Tools II: Deferred Gift Annuity
    • Brief explanation
    • Benefits