Public Speaking 101

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Jerry Seinfeld said, “According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy!”

Humor aside … With the help of this booklet create that speech and ensure that you hit it out of the park.

Only Available Through Our Weekly Assets Subscription

This item: Public Speaking 101

Only Available Through Our Weekly Assets Subscription

Ryan Park, Upbring, Austin, TX
1 × Giving Tomorrow Magazine

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Create that speech and ensure that you hit it out of the park. 

When you give a speech, whether it is a presentation at work or a talk in front of unfamiliar faces, the most important way to help ensure that you hit it out of the park is to prepare in advance. Even if it’s a topic that you feel you know backwards and forwards, preparation is still a vital component to making a great speech.

But there is much more to it than preparation. This booklet covers it all, and with a little bit of practice you will be a pro. It may not make you the next Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama or Anthony Robbins, but in your niche market it will open many doors.