What’s Your Real Estate Done For You Lately?

550 Words

This article explains that using non-income producing real estate to fund a charitable gift can provide an income stream and tax benefits.


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Many donors may be skeptical about using real estate for a charitable gift.  They should ask themselves, what has their real estate done for them lately?  If the answer is, ‘nothing’, then maybe it’s time to put that real estate to work.  This article explains that using non-income producing real estate to fund a charitable gift can provide an income stream and tax benefits.   Intended to help your donors to look at their real estate in a new light.

What’s included in this copy:

  • Introduction (The first question you should ask yourself is, “What has my real estate done for me lately?”)
  • Six Questions to Consider
  • What are Your Options?
    1. Sell the property and invest in income-producing assets
    2. Transfer the property to a charitable trust
  • Invitation for a Conversation