Heard You Need a Will? Here’s Why

900 Words

Think about your bequest prospects who don’t even know why they need a will in the first place.  There are more of them than you think, and they’re tuning out your marketing message.


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Think about your bequest prospects who don’t even know why they need a will in the first place.  There are more of them than you think, and they’re tuning out your marketing message.

This article provides a no-nonsense primer on how your prospects’ wishes will be ignored, and their families penalized, if they die without a will.  The effect of the state “intestacy” laws on provisions for spouse, family and charity are spelled out clearly.  Text leads to a persuasive conclusion — start planning your will today! – and closes with an appeal to include a bequest to your organization when the prospects write their wills.

An essential message to send early in your bequest marketing campaign, or as a wake-up if the response rate slows down.

How the copy is structured:

  • Introduction (3 popular mottoes regarding writing a will)
  • How not having a will can affect various people in your life:
    • Your Spouse
    • Your Young Children
    • Your Grown Children
    • Your Grandchildren and Stepchildren
    • Your Personal Representative
    • Your Favorite Charities

Invitation to include [YOUR NONPROFIT] in their will