Gift Plan Quick Sheets (Entire Set)

Giving Vehicles Covered: 15

These sheets provide a visual summary on how giving vehicles work. This complete set covers 15 gift plans (see below). Single sheets can be purchased as well.

Use them as leave-behind pieces or in the back of your Ways-of-Giving brochures, or mail them out with your notes. You can even create PDFs for electronic distribution, or for placement on your planned giving website.

Professionally designed and illustrated. Sample.

Adobe InDesign required.

NOTE: these can be customized for your organization by our Marketing and Artwork department for $1,495. Please inquire.


In stock

You’ve seen these in the back of “fancy brochures” that only large institutions can afford. You can now have them at a fraction of the cost. All you’ll need is your graphic designer to add your logo and you’re done. Adobe InDesign is required (most print shops and designers have it).

Sample Layout (PDF)

Covers 14 popular giving arrangements as noted.