Join the Top 1% level the playing field

An intense 90-minute primer every charity needs to attend. Even if you’re a large nonprofit.

Join the most successful nonprofits that consistently have adequate funding to advance their mission, hire staff, and plan for the future.

Wishful thinking? Not really. Just begin to pursue planned gifts.

It’s true. There is no top-secret formula, no insider hack: The most successful charities (only 1% of all nonprofits) know that the road to success is paved with planned gifts. It’s no coincidence that the Best of the Best have strong legacy giving programs — it’s the very reason they’ve risen to the top.

Yet we still hear from shops that just don’t think it’s worth their time. And the top three reasons they give for ignoring planned giving?

  1. Lack of budget
  2. Lack of time
  3. Lack of expertise

In this primer, we will debunk all these reasons — and we’ll show you how ridiculously easy it is to add planned giving to your fundraising toolkit.

You will learn:

  1. How to establish a basic planned giving presence
  2. How to market planned gifts using your existing resources
  3. How the simple planned gifts work
  4. Five questions that can inspire donors to give
  5. How planned gifts also lead to an increase in annual and major gifts.

(Bonus discussion: Online Will Planners — the good, the bad and the ugly.)

Stop struggling to meet your goals year after year. Learn how easy it is to launch and maintain a planned giving program, and see your career grow.

When you finally “see the light,” the only thing you’ll regret is not getting started sooner.


Recording Available

March 7, 2024


1.5 CFRE Credits: An investment in your career.

Planned Giving Is Having a Moment*

As more uncertainty rattles the markets, it’s more important than ever to make planned giving an integral pillar that sustains your organization and helps weather the storm. Focusing on legacy giving creates long term stability.

More importantly, it will also cater to donors and prospects who may feel too stretched to give right now, but are more receptive to give by other means. The whole idea of “make a gift now with no impact on your day-to-day cash flow” is more attractive than ever.

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This course qualifies for 1.5 CFRE credits.



Certificate of completion awarded to each attendee.

Take Home

Pocket Guide for MGOs, Gift Comparison Chart, one year subscription to Giving Tomorrow magazine.

Planned giving and major gifts go hand-in-hand.

Some planned gifts can also be major gifts, and some major gifts will inspire planned gifts. Planned giving research is also a great way to identify potential major donors.