A Package of Testimonials

1050 Words

Testimonials are very effective marketing tools – they build credibility for your program by putting your words about planned gifts in the mouths of satisfied donors.  But what if you haven’t been able to secure testimonials yet, or don’t have them for all the gift plans that you offer?


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A package of testimonials for your four most popular gift plans.

Testimonials are very effective marketing tools – they build credibility for your program by putting your words about planned gifts in the mouths of satisfied donors.  But what if you haven’t been able to secure testimonials yet, or don’t have them for all the gift plans that you offer?

While it’s best to use real donors and their pictures, you can put our prepared testimonials to work enhancing your marketing right away.  This package of four testimonials promotes the popular gifts in most every program: bequests, gifts of life insurance and from retirement plans, and charitable gift annuities.

We suggest the following format for testimonials: a thumbnail photo of the donors plus a quote about how much they like their gift as a “teaser” on your home page or other appropriate page; then “Read more…” linking readers to the main story.